Tag Archives: twenty first centry

Thoughts concerning the character of the younger generations of the 21st century

In a recent conversation I said some interesting things about the younger generations in the 21st century. I said that I can see some traits and where they seem to come from. It also seems, to me, that many of … Continue reading

Posted in Hippies and the hippy movement, Historical stuff, Modern world, life, and society, Society and sociology, The U.S. and American society, The younger generations, millennials, "drone generation", and stuff associated with them, Twenty first century and post cold war society | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Thoughts on the corruption of research and science in the Biden era

Recently, I have noted a corruption of research and science in the Biden era that is particularly bad (I first mentioned it in this article Thoughts on my statement, “I can’t believe what I’m hearing” – aspects of the Biden … Continue reading

Posted in Current affairs and events, Historical stuff, Mass hysteria, mass mentality, mass society, witch hunts, fanaticism, the mob, etc., Modern world, life, and society, Politics and government, Science and technology, The U.S. and American society, Twenty first century and post cold war society | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment