Tag Archives: Hippie

Thoughts concerning the character of the younger generations of the 21st century

In a recent conversation I said some interesting things about the younger generations in the 21st century. I said that I can see some traits and where they seem to come from. It also seems, to me, that many of … Continue reading

Posted in Hippies and the hippy movement, Historical stuff, Modern world, life, and society, Society and sociology, The U.S. and American society, The younger generations, millennials, "drone generation", and stuff associated with them, Twenty first century and post cold war society | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Thoughts on the “post 1967 hippies” and the disease they created

Recently, I was speaking of my impression of the hippies and hippy mentality. I said some interesting things: I should first point out that “hippies”, as I use it here, refer to the hippies after about 1967 when the movement … Continue reading

Posted in Hippies and the hippy movement, Historical stuff, Mass hysteria, mass mentality, mass society, witch hunts, fanaticism, the mob, etc., The effects of WWII, the Nazi's, the Holocaust, the Cold War, and the Vietnam War era protests, The U.S. and American society | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Some examples of the absurd claims of hatism . . . finding hatred, malicious intent, and other sinister motives in things

Hatism is the name I use to describe a point of view where people assumes that everyone hates everyone else and, as a result, hate affects the association between people and, accordingly, they interpret everything from that perspective (for example, … Continue reading

Posted in Feminism: a destructive philosophy, Hatred, the hatist mentality, misanthropy, dislike of people, conflict between people, etc., Mass communication: media, social media, and the news, Modern world, life, and society, Oversensitivity, the 'rift personality', shyness, love shyness, and Asperger's, Psychology and psychoanalysis, The effects of WWII, the Nazi's, the Holocaust, the Cold War, and the Vietnam War era protests, The U.S. and American society, Twenty first century and post cold war society | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Thoughts on the my relationship with the older generation – more fallout from the hippie era – the need for generation-to-generation association

Recently, I recalled something I have not thought that much about but which has had great impact on me and reveals some interesting things about this society: I seem to be different than other people.  Beginning in about High School … Continue reading

Posted in Historical stuff, Modern world, life, and society, Psychology and psychoanalysis, Stuff involving me, The effects of WWII, the Nazi's, the Holocaust, the Cold War, and the Vietnam War era protests, The U.S. and American society | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Thoughts on freedom, alienation, and rebellion in the past 200 years – the effects of being controlled by the “mass mind”, with remarks about culture and “mass loneliness”

Recently, I had some thoughts that are really a continuations of thoughts from this article:  Thoughts on on my reaction to social hysteria, with remarks about the self and other things. A PROBLEM IS FELT . . . In the early … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, Christian conversion, Post-Christianity, and Christian influence, Culture, cultural alienation, cultural loneliness, etc., Dehumanization, alienation, and disassociation, Freedom fanaticism and the freedom cult, Historical stuff, Mass communication: media, social media, and the news, Mass hysteria, mass mentality, mass society, witch hunts, fanaticism, the mob, etc., Modern world, life, and society, Overpopulation and its effects, Psychology and psychoanalysis, Society and sociology, The effects of WWII, the Nazi's, the Holocaust, the Cold War, and the Vietnam War era protests, The U.S. and American society, Tribal society, tribalism, and the tribal sense | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment